Safely Disposing of Expired Dietary Supplements: A Guide for Consumers

Learn how to safely dispose of expired dietary supplements with this guide from an expert SEO. Find out what the FDA recommends for disposing of old vitamins and minerals.

Safely Disposing of Expired Dietary Supplements: A Guide for Consumers

When it comes to disposing of expired dietary supplements, the FDA and EPA recommend not flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash. Instead, they suggest mixing them with an unwanted substance, such as ground coffee or cat litter, and placing them in a plastic bag. This is to prevent young children and animals from getting into the trash and consuming them. Additionally, many pharmacy chains, such as CVS and Walgreens, have disposable drug envelopes that can be used to send unwanted medications directly to be destroyed.

Some stores also have delivery boxes for this purpose. If you're still not sure what to do with your expired supplements, talking to your comprehensive healthcare provider is a great option. They may be able to provide advice on proper storage and disposal. Additionally, many cities and towns organize drug delivery or hazardous waste collection events that can be used to safely discard old or expired vitamins. When it comes to leftover supplements, it's important to consider their potency.

Unlike food, most dietary supplements, OTC drugs, and prescription drugs don't necessarily expire, but their potency may decrease over time. If the store has an on-site pharmacy, employees may be able to dispose of old vitamins properly. It's also important to note that many supplements contain stabilizing compounds that prevent the growth of mold or unwanted bacteria, and manufacturers cannot guarantee their quality or safety once their expiration date has reached. So, is it safe to take expired vitamins? According to Harvard Health Publishing, most of our knowledge about drug expiration dates comes from a decades-old FDA study requested by the military. If you want to avoid the dilemma of discarding medicines altogether, the smartest strategy would be to avoid buying vitamins and minerals that you don't need. However, if you currently use or have taken dietary supplements, you may have accumulated a collection of unfinished supplement bottles or expired vitamin bottles in your closet. When you order your supplement cabinet, be sure to dispose of expired supplements in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

One of the safest ways to dispose of old vitamins is to take advantage of the drug delivery days that most large cities and towns organize over the course of a year. At the end of the day, it's important to remember that expired dietary supplements can pose a risk if they are not disposed of properly. To ensure that your family is safe from any potential harm caused by expired vitamins and minerals, make sure you follow the FDA's guidelines for disposing of them.