How to Safely Dispose of Expired Supplements and Medications

Are you wondering what to do with expired supplements and medications? Learn how to safely dispose of them with this guide.

How to Safely Dispose of Expired Supplements and Medications

Are you wondering what to do with expired supplements and medications? It's important to know how to properly dispose of them. Taking them back to the store where you bought them is one option, but there are other ways to get rid of them safely. If your city or town doesn't organize drug delivery or hazardous waste collection events, you can take old or expired vitamins to the store where you bought them. If the store has an on-site pharmacy, employees may be able to dispose of old vitamins properly.

The best way to dispose of expired, unwanted, or unused medications is through a drug return program. Many cities have hazardous waste collection sites that accept these items. In addition, the U. S.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) holds National Prescription Drug Take Back Days twice a year. During these events, you can drop off your expired medications and supplements at designated locations for safe disposal. If you don't have access to a drug return program or a hazardous waste collection site, you can also dispose of expired supplements and medications at home. The FDA recommends that you mix the medication with an undesirable substance such as dirt, kitty litter, or coffee grounds. Then put the mixture in a sealed container or bag and throw it away in the trash. It's important to remember that your medication is for you and only you.

What is safe for you may be harmful to someone else. So it's essential to dispose of expired supplements and medications correctly. When disposing of expired supplements and medications, it's important to take all necessary precautions. Make sure that you follow all local laws and regulations when disposing of these items. Additionally, never flush medications down the toilet or sink as this can contaminate water sources. Finally, if you have any questions about how to safely dispose of expired supplements and medications, contact your local health department or pharmacy for more information.